Local Bee Suppliers
Honey and The Hive (below) maintains a full list of queen, nuc, and package suppliers on their webpage, found under their Resources tab.
Beekeeping Equipment suppliers (in order by proximity):
Honey and The Hive - Doug Anderson 804-501-8266 / Keith White 804-690-9904
- Bee West Apiary - Bumpass Honey Works
Scottsville Supply Co. LLC
Royall Bees - Bill Drumheller - Quinton, VA 804-651-3510; Bees, Queens, Equipment
Hampton Apiaries - Andy Westrich - Hampton, VA
andy@hamptonapiary.com 757-513-2467 -
Miller Bee Supply
B & B Honey Farm
Mann Lake
Blue Sky Bee Supply
Forest Hill Bee Supply - Woodworking
Humble Abodes of Maine
Beeline Apiaries and Woodenware
Western Bee Supplies
Beekeeping Magazines:
Web Sites:
Virginia State Beekeepers Association
Eastern Apiculture Society
USDA Beltsville, MD Bee Research Lab
Scientific Beekeeping
Honey Bee Health Coalition
Penn State Extension - Beekeeping - Honey Bees
Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium
National Honey Board
USDA - Insects and Pollinators
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Beekeeping and Apiary Inspection
Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard
Virginia Department of Forestry - Trees and Seedlings
You will find a wide assortment of beekeeping books at the equipment suppliers' web sites and of course Amazon. Wicwas Press specializes in beekeeping books. Check them out at http://wicwas.com
Pamunkey Library - Has Honey Bee and Beekeeping related books.
Varroa mites:
Varroa mites are honey bees most serious pest. They are responsible for the largest percentage of colony losses each year due to the viruses they transmit. The Honey Bee Health Coalition is one of the best resources to use for understanding how to deal with varroa mites. Their website contains a wealth of good information about improving and maintain honey bee's health. Visit them at: http://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/
Be sure and download a copy of their latest Varroa Management Guide found under "How We Help Bees." Look for Varroa Management. They have excellent videos on how to test for varroa mite infestation levels and how to apply various treatments.
Beekeeping & Honey Labeling 101
Great information about proper labeling! Follow this link:
Here are the current State of Virginia requirements:
State of Virginia Food Operations and Labeling
Pollinator Protection
Pollinator Stewardship Council
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship
Pollinator Plants
Plant Virginia Natives Initiative has a website devoted entirely to guides and campaigns for planting natives in the various regions around the state. Full color guides are available for download for each region. Visit https://www.plantvirginianatives.org/
Local sources for native plants include:
Colesville Nursery Inc.
Stranges Nursery
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